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          邦盾公司是一家生产及经营化学材料的公司,目前产品有三十多种分为:建筑类及工业产品。    邦盾公司一贯追寻产品革新,不断创造出更加高品质的产品,服务于各领域及合作伙伴。    邦盾公司拥有自己的研发团队和国际先进的实验设备,公司定位于能提供全方面、系统优质的服务,始终将客户的需求作为公司行动的核心。将公司全面的产品及体系,结合各产品领域的丰富经验,为客户提供更加具体到位的服务。   

          邦盾公司随着业务的不断扩大,相继在深圳、上海、北京、天津、成都、西安等地区建立了办事机构及高素质的代理商。    邦盾公司已做好随时为客户提供优质的产品和服务的准备。





    The advantage of Bander PVC emulsion

    点击数:27112018-07-17 14:19:21 来源: 佛山市南海邦盾装饰材料有限公司

    PVC floor is made of good can be arbitrary cutting knife, the construction can be simple, can also be seamless welding; The wooden floor, the installation work. PVC plastic floor special foam structure design, make the floor with body contact with comfortable soft hardness, good elasticity. Foshan area cost-effective PVC plastic floor manufacturer is pointed out that the PVC plastic floor is only 2 to 3 mm thickness, weight per square meter only 2-3 kg, less than 10% of the common ground material. In the high-rise building for a building to bearing and space saving, has incomparable advantages. At the same time has a special advantage in the old building reconstruction. PVC plastic floor as main component is a vinyl resin, and the water affinity, so its nature is not afraid of water, as long as it's not long be soaked would not be damaged; And will not happen because of high humidity and mildew.
    PVC plastic floor quality of a material soft elastic is very good, so under the impact of the weights have good elastic recovery, maximum limit to reduce the harm to human body and dispersed impact on foot. So greatly reduce staff slip fall, heavy impact damage at the same time also has a strong elastic recovery, not cause damage. Foshan area cost-effective PVC plastic floor manufacturer is pointed out that the latest data show that excellent plastic ground fall and injure in the stream of space than other ground to reduce the ratio of nearly 70.
    Sound-absorbing the deadening strengths of PVC plastic floor, PVC plastic floor has common ground material cannot be compared with the sound-absorbing effect, the sound absorption of 20 db, so need a quiet environment such as the hospital ward, the school library, auditorium, theater etc. Choose the PVC plastic floor, you don't need for high heels with ground knock noise influence your thinking and worry, foshan area cost-effective PVC plastic floor manufacturer said PVC plastic floor can provide you with more comfortable, more human living environment.

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